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Intergenerational solidarity and the needs of future generations : report of the Secretary-General

UN Secretary-General
Publication Date

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The present report has been prepared pursuant to paragraph 86 of the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, in which the Secretary-General was invited to present a report on the need for promoting intergenerational solidarity for the achievement of sustainable development, taking into account the needs of future generations. The report evaluates how the need for intergenerational solidarity could be addressed by the United Nations system and analyses how the issue of intergenerational solidarity is embedded in the concept of sustainable development and existing treaties, declarations, resolutions and intergovernmental decisions. It also reviews the conceptual and ethical underpinnings of intergenerational solidarity and future generations and how the issue has been taken into consideration in policymaking in a variety of institutions at the national level.  The report outlines options for possible models to institutionalize concern for future generations at the United Nations, suggesting options for the way forward.

Additional Information
Sixty-eighth session Item 19 (a) of the provisional agenda* Sustainable development: implementation of Agenda 21, Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development...
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