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Nuclear Fuels Storage and Transportation Planning Project Inventory Basis

Joe Carter, Dennis Vinson
Publication Date

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NFST Inventory Rev 1 (final) 6-16-2014_0.pdf (5.56 MB) 5.56 MB

This report provides information on the inventory of commercial spent nuclear fuel, referred to herein as used nuclear fuel (UNF), as well as Government-owned UNF and high-level radioactive waste (HLW). Actual or estimated quantitative values for current inventories are provided along with inventory forecasts derived from examining a different future commercial nuclear power generation scenarios. The report also includes select information on the characteristics associated with the wastes examined (e.g. type, packaging, heat generation rate, decay curves). This report was produced for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to support various analyses on options for storage and transport of UNF and HLW, and was sponsored by DOE’s Nuclear Fuels Storage and Transportation Planning Project (NFST). The report draws from and complements a previously issued report, Fuel Cycle Potential Waste Inventory for Disposition [Carter, 2013], developed for DOE’s UNF Disposition Research & Development Campaign.

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