The constraints set by the Japanese HLW disposal programme – particularly associated with
the decision to initiate siting by an open call for volunteers to host a geological repository –
pose particular challenges for repository project management. In order to maintain the
flexibility required to respond to the conditions found at volunteer sites, NUMO has not
published reference designs or site characterisation plans, as is normal for programmes
progressing by site nomination. Instead, we have developed a methodology – the NUMO
Structured Approach (NSA) described in this report – to allow such designs and plans to be
tailored to particular sites in a flexible, open and efficient manner, with the aim of producing
a site-specific process for design and operation of a demonstrably safe and practical facility.
The NSA has similarities to the adaptive staging framework developed and applied in some
other national waste management programmes. However, the specific Japanese boundary
conditions and also the policies adopted by NUMO for its project work have led us to
develop and document a formalised structure and to emphasise particular aspects such as
flexibility, transparency and willingness to adapt concepts and to revise decisions in order to
reflect the evolution of the project with time.
The NUMO Structured Approach to HLW Disposal in Japan
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