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Overview - Potential Nuclear Plant Closings in Illinois

Illinois Commerce Commission, Illinois Power Agency, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
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hr1146-report-overview.pdf (137.31 KB) 137.31 KB
Illinois House Resolution 1146 adopted on May 29, 2014 requests the Illinois Commerce Commission, the Illinois Power Agency, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (collectively, “the Agencies”) to prepare reports addressing issues related to the premature closure of nuclear power plants. HR 1146 further asks that the Agencies’ reports “include potential market-based solutions” to guard against premature closure of at-risk nuclear plants and associated consequences. The right energy policy has the potential to minimize cost increases, guarantee reliability, improve the environment, create and retain jobs and grow the Illinois economy. If Illinois is to move forward with a robust response, the full impact of such a policy would have to be fully explored. Potential market-based solutions identified by the Agencies include the following:  Relying purely on the market and external initiatives to make corrections  Establishment of a Cap and Trade Program  Imposition of a Carbon Tax  Adoption of a Low Carbon Portfolio Standard  Adoption of a Sustainable Power Planning Standard The Agencies contributing to this report look forward to working with the Illinois General Assembly on the challenge of shaping Illinois’ energy policy to address the economic and environmental challenges facing our state as we help to craft a program that minimizes the rate impact and environmental harm to the citizens of Illinois, maximizes Illinois’ economic development, creates good paying jobs and increases our stature as an energy leader in the Midwest and the Nation.
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