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A Project Concept for Nuclear Fuels Storage and Transportation

Joe Carter
Scott Dam
Publication Date

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NFST Design Concepts 6-13-13 Rev 1.pdf (2.76 MB) 2.76 MB

The Department of Energy (DOE) issued its Strategy for the Management and Disposition of Used
Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste in January 2013. DOE undertook studies and analyses
to determine systems and design concepts as a preliminary step to further defining systems, equipment,
and facilities to implement the Strategy. This report uses the work performed by industry and national
laboratories and configures system components to meet the requirements of the Strategy. The project
concept provides guidance for the next stage of design development as well as supporting the consentbased
siting process being undertaken by DOE. The project concept includes a pilot interim storage
facility, a larger interim storage facility, and the transportation system and equipment needed to move
used nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste from current locations to interim storage and then to a
future permanent geologic repository.

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