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Summary of Design Criteria for Dry Cask Storage Systems for ISFSI Storage of Shutdown Reactor SNF

Brian Gutherman
Daniel LeDuc
Publication Date


The purpose of this report is to research and document the dry storage design criteria for the cask systems currently storing or planned for storage of UNF and GTCC at from permanently shutdown reactor sites by 2019. The design criteria for the ISFSIs and storage systems storing shutdown reactor UNF and GTCC waste are documented in the licensing basis documents applicable to the ISFSI or cask system, based on the type of Part 72 license being used.
The scope of this report is to research the license basis documents for the UNF and GTCC waste cask systems in ISFSI service at the 17 sites that have at least one permanently shutdown reactor (20 total reactors). The list of these shutdown reactors, their relevant licenses or certificates of compliance, and the storage systems and capacity at these reactors is provided in Table-1. Note that three shutdown reactors on operating plant sites (Millstone Unit 1, Indian Point Unit 1, Dresden Unit 1) as well a one reactor to be permanently shut down in 2019 (Oyster Creek) are also part of this report scope.

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