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What We've Heard - A Staff Summary of Major Themes in Testimony and Comments Received by the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future to Date

Blue Ribbon Commission
Publication Date

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The Commission is charged with submitting a
draft report to the Secretary of Energy before
the end of July 2011. To aid the Commissioners
in fulfilling that responsibility, the Commission
staff has prepared this report to summarize what
the Commission has heard up to this point in
the process. It does not attempt to recount every
comment or opinion submitted to the Commission
thus far; rather, the aim here is to summarize
major themes from the extensive testimony and
public comment the Commission has received to
date. Of course, the fact that the Commission has
heard certain perspectives does not in any way
mean the Commission’s recommendations will
adopt the points of view that have been presented.
By publishing this report, the Commission desires to:
„„Provide individuals and organizations who have
given input an opportunity to confirm that their
key messages have been heard or to highlight
something that may have been missed; and
„„Give those who are following the work of the
Commission, but who have not yet provided
input, an opportunity to raise issues they believe
may have overlooked and should consider as
the Commission prepares its report.

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