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Younker, J. L.
Andrews, W. B.
Fasano, G. A.
Herrington, C. C.
Mattson, S. R.
Murray, R. C.
Ballou, L. B.
Revelli, M. A.
Ducharme, A. R.
Shephard, L. E.
Dudley, W. W.
Hoxie, D. T.
Herbst, R. J.
Patera, E. A.
Judd, B. R.
Docka, J. A.
Rickertsen, L. D.
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This study evaluated the technical suitability of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, as a potential site for a mined geologic repository for the permanent disposal of radioactive waste. The evaluation was conducted primarily to determine early in the site characterization program if there are any features or conditions at the site that indicate it is unsuitable for repository development. A secondary purpose was to determine the status of<br/>knowledge in the major technical areas that affect the suitability of the site. This early site suitability evaluation (ESSE) was conducted by a team of technical personnel at the request of the Associate Director of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Geologic Disposal, a unit within the DOE&#39;s Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. The Yucca Mountain site has been the subject of such evaluations for<br/>over a decade. In 1983, the site was evaluated as part of a screening process to identify potentially acceptable sites. The site was evaluated in greater detail and found suitable for site characterization as part of the Environmental Assessment (EA) (DOE, 1986) required by the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (NWPA). Additional site data were compiled during the preparation of the Site Characterization Plan (SCP) (DOE, 1988a). This early site suitability evaluation has considered information that was used in preparing both-documents, along with recent information obtained since the EA and SCP were published. This body of information is referred to in this report as &#39;current information&#39; or &#39;available evidence.

Document Type
SED Publication Type
United States
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