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SAS2H Generated Isotopic Concentrations for B&W 15xl5 PWR Assembly (SCPB: N/A)

This analysis is prepared by the Mined Geologic Disposal System (MGDS) Waste Package Development Department (WPDD) to provide pressurized water reactor (PWR) isotopic composition data as a function of time for use in criticality analyses. The objectives of this evaluation are to generate burnup and decay dependant isotopic inventories and to provide these inventories in a form which can easily be utilized in subsequent criticality calculations.

PWR Axial Burnup Profile Analysis

The purpose of this activity is to develop a representative “limiting” axial burnup profile for pressurized water reactors (PWRs), which would encompass the isotopic axial variations caused by different assembly irradiation histories, and produce conservative isotopics with respect to criticality. The effect that the low burnup regions near the ends of spent fuel have on system reactivity is termed the “end-effect”. This calculation will quantify the end-effects associated with Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) fuel assemblies emplaced in a hypothetical 21 PWR waste package.

Isotopic Generation and Verification of the PWR Application Model

The objective of this calculation is to establish an isotopic database to represent commercial spent nuclear fuel (CSNF) from pressurized water reactors (PWRs) in criticality analyses performed for the proposed Monitored Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Confirmation of the conservatism with respect to criticality in the isotopic concentration values represented by this isotopic database is performed as described in Section of the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report (YMP 2000).

Isotopic Model for Commercial SNF Burnup Credit

Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report describes a methodology for performing postclosure criticality analyses within the repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. An important component of the postclosure criticality analysis is the calculation of conservative isotopic concentrations for spent nuclear fuel. This report documents the isotopic calculation methodology. The isotopic calculation methodology is shown to be conservative based upon current data for pressurized water reactor and boiling water reactor spent nuclear fuel.

SAS2H Analysis of Radiochemical Assay Samples from Trino Vercelles PWR Reactor

The purpose of this design analysis is to determine the accuracy of the SAS2H module of SCALE 4.3 in predicting isotopic concentrations of spent fuel assemblies. The objective is to develop a methodology for modeling assemblies similar to those evaluated within this analysis and to establish the consistency of SAS2H predictions. The results of this analysis may then be applied to future depletion calculations using SAS2H in which no measurements are available.

SAS2H Analysis of Radiochemical Assay Sam les from H.B. Robinson PWR Reactor

The purpose of this design analysis is to determine the accuracy of the SAS2H module of SCALE 4.3 in predicting isotopic concentrations of spent fuel assemblies. The objective is to develop a methodology for modeling assemblies similar to those evaluated within this analysis and to establish the consistency of SAS2H predictions. The results of this analysis may then be applied to future depletion calculations using SAS2H in which no measurements are available.

Prediction of the Isotopic Composition of UO2 Fuel from a BWR: Analysis of the DU1 Sample from the Dodewaard Reactor

As part of a larger program to study mixed-oxide fuel subject to high burnup, some UO2 samples were exposed and analyzed. This report discusses results from the analysis of a UO sample that was burned in a boiling-water reactor (BWR) to approximately 57 GWd/t. The sample

SAS2H Analysis of Radiochemical Assay Samples from Obrigheim PWR Reactor

The purpose of this design analysis is to determine the accuracy of the SAS2H module of SCALE 4.3 in predicting isotopic concentrations of spent fuel assemblies. The objective is to develop a methodology for modeling assemblies similar to those evaluated within this analysis and to establish the consistency of SAS2H predictions. The results of this analysis may then be applied to future depletion calculations using SAS2H in which no measurements are available.

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