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Criticality Evaluation of Plutonium Disposition Ceramic Waste Form: Degraded Mode

The purpose of this calculation is to perform degraded mode criticality evaluations of plutonium disposed in a ceramic waste form and emplaced in a Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR). A 5 Defense High-Level Waste (DHLW) Canister Waste Package (WP) design, incorporating the can-in-canister concept for plutonium immobilization is considered for this calculation. Each HLW glass pour canister contains 7 tubes. Each tube contains 4 cans, with 20 ceramic disks (immobilized plutonium) in each.

EQ6 Calculations for Chemical Degradation of Pu-Ceramic Waste Packages

In this study, the long-term geochemical behavior of waste package (WP), containing Pu-ceramic, was modeled. The ceramic under consideration contains Ti, U, Pu, Gd and Hf in a pyrochlore structure; the Gd and Hf stabilize the mineral structure, but are also intended to provide criticality control. The specific study objectives were to determine:
1) the extent to which criticality control material, suggested for this WP design, will remain in the WP after corrosion/dissolution of the initial package configuration (such that it can be effective in preventing criticality), and

EQ6 Calculation for Chemical Degradation of Pu-Ceramic Waste Packages: Effects of Updated Materials Composition and Rates

The Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR) Waste Package Operations (WPO) of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System Management and Operating Contractor (CRWMS M&O) performed calculations to provide input for disposal of Pu-ceramic waste forms. The Pu- ceramic (Refs. 1 and 2) is designed to immobilize excess plutonium from weapons production, and has been considered for disposal at the potential Yucca Mountain site.

Report on Intact and Degraded Criticality for Selected Plutonium Waste Forms in a Geologic Repository, Volume II: Immobilized In Ceramic

As part of the plutonium waste form development and down-select process, repository analyses have been conducted to evaluate the long-term performance of these forms for repository acceptance. Intact and degraded mode criticality analysis of mixed oxide (MOX) spent fuel is presented in Volume I, while Volume II presents the evaluations of the waste form containing plutonium immobilized in a ceramic matrix.

Criticality Evaluation of Plutonium Disposition Ceramic Waste Form: Degraded Mode

The purpose of this calculation is to perform degraded mode criticality evaluations of Plutonium disposed in a ceramic waste form and emplaced in a Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR). A 5 Defense High-Level Waste (DHLW) Canister Waste Package (WP) design, incorporating the can-in-canister concept for Plutonium immobilization is considered for this calculation. Each HLW glass pour canister contains 7 tubes. Each tube contains 4 cans, with 20 ceramic disks (immobilzed Plutonium) in each.

Evaluation of Internal Criticality of the Plutonium Disposition Ceramic Waste Form

The purpose of this calculation is to perform partially and fully degraded mode criticality evaluations of plutonium disposed of in a ceramic waste form and emplaced in a Monitored Geologic Repository. The partially degraded mode is represented by the immobilized plutonium ceramic discs piled in the bottom of the waste package (WP) while neutron absorbers begin to leach out of the discs.

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