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Storage and Transport Cask Data for Used Commercial Nuclear Fuel 2013 U.S. Edition

This document is a compilation of publically-available information on spent/used nuclear fuel storage and transport casks in use in the United States as of the summer of 2013. As such, it is a functional update and extension of JAI-582, “Shipping and Storage Cask Data For Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel,” originally published by JAI Corporation in March 2005[1]. This report is intended to provide a convenient reference for those with interest in, or those engaged in the production, handling, storage, transport, and disposition of spent/used commercial nuclear fuel.

Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel Waste Package Misload Analysis

The purpose of this calculation is to estimate the probability of misloading a commercial spent
nuclear fuel waste package with a fuel assembly(s) that has a reactivity (i.e., enrichment and/or
burnup) outside the waste package design. The waste package designs are based on the expected
commercial spent nuclear fuel assemblies and previous analyses (Macheret, P. 2001, Section 4.1
and Table 1). For this calculation, a misloaded waste package is defined as a waste package that

Criticality Analysis of Assembly Misload in a PWR Burnup Credit Cask

The Interim Staff Guidance on burnup credit (ISG-8) for spent fuel in storage and transportation casks, issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Spent Fuel Project Office, recommends a burnup measurement for each assembly to confirm the reactor record and compliance with the assembly burnup value used for loading acceptance. This recommendation is intended to prevent unauthorized loading (misloading) of assemblies due to inaccuracies in reactor burnup records and/or improper assembly identification, thereby ensuring that the appropriate subcritical margin is maintained.

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