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Decontamination of Hot Cells K-1, K-3, M-1, M-3, and A-1, M-Wing, Building 200: Project Final Report

This is the final report for the Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL-E) Building 200
M-Wing Hot Cells Decontamination Project. The purpose of the project was to practically eliminate
the radioactive emissions of Rn-220 to the environment and to restore the hot cells to an empty
restricted use-condition. About 96.2 TBq (2,600 curies) per year of Rn-220 was being emitted at the
start of the project from the radioactive contaminants left in the hot cells at the end of the ANL-E
Proof-of-Breeding program work in 1985.

Decontamination of Hot Cells K-1, K-3, M-1, M-3, and A-1, M-Wing, Building 200: Project Final Report

This is the final report for the Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL-E) Building 200
M-Wing Hot Cells Decontamination Project. The purpose of the project was to practically eliminate
the radioactive emissions of Rn-220 to the environment and to restore the hot cells to an empty
restricted use-condition. About 96.2 TBq (2,600 curies) per year of Rn-220 was being emitted at the
start of the project from the radioactive contaminants left in the hot cells at the end of the ANL-E
Proof-of-Breeding program work in 1985.

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