Decontamination of Hot Cells K-1, K-3, M-1, M-3, and A-1, M-Wing, Building 200: Project Final Report
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This is the final report for the Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL-E) Building 200
M-Wing Hot Cells Decontamination Project. The purpose of the project was to practically eliminate
the radioactive emissions of Rn-220 to the environment and to restore the hot cells to an empty
restricted use-condition. About 96.2 TBq (2,600 curies) per year of Rn-220 was being emitted at the
start of the project from the radioactive contaminants left in the hot cells at the end of the ANL-E
Proof-of-Breeding program work in 1985.
Four of the five project Hot Cells (M-1, M-3, K-l, and K-3) had been used for Proof-of-
Breeding research on irradiated thorium rods from the U. S. Navy’s Shippingport Atomic Power
Station thorium core breeder reactor research. The research involved precise shearing of the rods in
Hot Cell M-3, dissolving of the samples in concentrated acids in Hot Cell M-1, preparing dissolver
solution samples for radioassay in Hot Cell K-3, and pumping the waste dissolver solution to waste
cementing stations in Hot-Cell K-1. Extensive equipment and structures in the hot cells needed to
be removed as radioactive waste.
Hot Cell A-1 had been used for pulverizing irradiated reactor fuel specimens from the Zion
Nuclear Power Station in Illinois for analyses to quantify breeding of fissile isotopes.
All five of the hot cells required remote disassembly and decontamination work prior to
protected entry decontamination. Two pairs of hèavy duty manipulators were procured to facilitate
the remote disassembly and decontamination work. An existing radio-controlled rail cart system was
used for moving remote-handled (>200 mrem/hr) radioactive waste.
The project was carried out by ANL-E personnel during the period June 1992 to April 1996
(46 months) at a cost of $5.8 million. The total radiation dose to project personnel was about
74.5 person-mSv (7.45 person-rem). This was 80.1% of the total dose forecasted in the project
Action Description Memorandum. All radiation exposures were maintained below regulatoiy
guidelines in all aspects.
The five hot cells were emptied and decontaminated for restricted use. The goal of
practically eliminating radioactive emissions from the five hot cells was achieved by the project
team. A total of 23.4 metric tons (25.8 tons) of radioactive waste was generated. Approximately
7.7 metric tons (8.5 tons) of radioactively contaminated lead shielding bricks were taken to ANL-E
Waste Management for decontamination and recycling. Ten 208-l (55-gal) drums of remote-handled
waste were shipped to the Department of Energy disposal site by shielded cask truck transport. The
contact-handled radioactive waste was shipped in steel bins by truck transport to the Department
of Energy disposal site. The radioactivity in the waste totaled 110 curies, primarily of mixed fission