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From Integral Experiments to Nuclear Data Improvement

Target accuracy on LWR neutronics parameters is 2 to 5 times lower than the a priori uncertainty (1σ)
due to nuclear data. This paper summarizes the experimental facilities and the integral measurements that are required
for code qualification. The rigorous use of integral information through trend analysis method is described. Trends
on JEF2 data from Keff measurements and P.I.Es are presented. These trends were accounted for in the new JEFF3
evaluations. The role of fundamental experiments, such as worth measurement of separated isotopes, is emphasized.

Application of Sensitivity/Uncertainty Methods to Burnup Credit Criticality Validation

The responsible use of calculational methods in nuclear criticality safety includes a determination of bias and bias uncertainty that may exist between the calculated results and reality. Such biases exist due to approximations used to model the real world, uncertainties in nuclear data, and approximations associated with the calculational method (e.g., Monte Carlo method). The bias and bias uncertainty are typically determined by using the modeling approximations, nuclear data, and calculational method to model well-known, usually critical, systems.

Validation of important fission product evaluations through CERES integral benchmarks

Optimization of energy resources suggests increased fuel residence in reactor cores and hence improved
fission product evaluations are required. For thermal reactors the fission product cross sections in the JEF2.2 and
JEFF3.1 libraries plus new evaluations from WPEC23 are assessed through modelling the CERES experiment in
the DIMPLE reactor. The analysis uses the lattice code WIMS10. Cross sections for 12 nuclides are assessed. The
thermal cross section and low energy resonance data for 147,152Sm and 155Gd are accurate to within 4%. Similar data

Advances in Applications of Burnup Credit to Enhance Spent Fuel Transportation, Storage, Reprocessing and Disposition-Proceedings of a Technical Meeting held in London, 29 August-2 September 2006

This publication records the proceedings of a technical meeting organized by the IAEA and
held in London 29 August–2 September 2005 with sixty participants from 18 countries. As
indicated in the title, the objective of this meeting was to provide a forum for exchange of
technical information on spent fuel burnup credit applications and thereby compile state-ofthe-
art information on technical advances related to spent fuel transportation, storage,
reprocessing and disposition.

Underlying Yucca Mountain: The Interplay of Geology and Policy in Nuclear Waste Disposal

Nuclear waste disposal in the USA is a difficult policy issue infused with
science, technology, and politics. This issue provides an example of the co-production
of scientific knowledge and politics through public policy. The proponents of a
repository site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, argue that their decision to go ahead
with the site is based on ‘sound science’, but the science they use to uphold their
decision is influenced by politics. In turn, the politics of site selection has been altered

Some Principles for Siting Controversial Decisions: Issues from the US Experience with High Level Nuclear Waste

Beginning with the role of "stakeholders" - those whose interests are, knowingly or unknowingly, affected - in the siting of noxious facilities, this paper seeks to develop principles for acceptable and democratically arrived at polices related to problems associated with advances in and products of science and technology. Although widely regarded as a necessary condition for success, the principles underpinning stakeholder involvement, such as representativeness, are often violated in practice.

Helping a Community Control its Future: Potential Negotiating Packages and Benefits for an MRS Host

The voluntary siting process for the Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) facility set forth in the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act (NWPAA) of 1987 provides a potential host community a unique opportunity to improve its present situation and to gain greater control over its future.

Categorization of Used Nuclear Fuel Inventory in Support of a Comprehensive National Nuclear Fuel Cycle Strategy

A technical assessment of the current inventory [~70,150 metric tons of heavy metal (MTHM) as of
2011] of U.S.-discharged used nuclear fuel (UNF) has been performed to support decisions regarding fuel
cycle strategies and research, development and demonstration (RD&D) needs. The assessment considered
discharged UNF from commercial nuclear electricity generation and defense and research programs and
determined that the current UNF inventory can be divided into the following three categories:

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