Activity and Sustainable Development Report - 2010
Annual report produced by ANDRA, the French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency describing its activities in 2010.
Annual report produced by ANDRA, the French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency describing its activities in 2010.
A discussion of the symbolism of radioactive waste.
Russia and Norway have signed contracts worth 100 million rubles ($2.9 million) to develop a system to deal with radioactive waste at the Andreeva Bay storage facility near Murmansk, the Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom said Tuesday.
The IAEA has published guidance on particular elements of radioactive waste and spent fuel management,
such as establishing nuclear technical and regulatory infrastructure, relevant financing schemes, national policy
and strategies, multinational approaches and other aspects linked to building nuclear power plants. The present
publication is intended to provide a concise summary of key issues related to the development of a sound radioactive
waste and spent nuclear fuel management system. It is designed to brief countries with small or newly established
The purpose of this document is to provide the requirements rationale for the current version of the Preliminary Transportation, Aging and Disposal Canister System Performance Specification; WMO-TADCS-000001.
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) is responsible for all spent fuels and high-level wastes (HLW) that will eventually be disposed of in a geologic repository. The purpose of this document, and the information contained in the associated computerized data bases and supporting technical reports, is to provide the technical characteristics of the radioactive waste materials that will (or may) be accepted by DOE for interim storage in an MRS or emplacement in a repository as developed under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act Amendment of 1987.
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) acts as a centre for informed exchange of knowledge and experience regarding stakeholder interaction and public participation in radioactive waste management. It promotes an open discussion among members and stakeholders, across institutional boundaries, and between technical and non-technical actors, in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. As such, the FSC is, first and foremost, a learning organisation.
The purpose of this report, and the information contained in the associated computerized data bases, is to establish the DOE/OCRWM reference characteristics of the radioactive waste materials that may be accepted by DOE for emplacement in the mined geologic disposal system as developed under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. This report provides relevant technical data for use by DOE and its supporting contractors and is not intended to be a policy document.