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Stakeholder Confidence in Radioactive Waste Management: An Annotated Glossary of Key Terms

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The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) acts as a centre for informed exchange of knowledge and experience regarding stakeholder interaction and public participation in radioactive waste management. It promotes an open discussion among members and stakeholders, across institutional boundaries, and between technical and non-technical actors, in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. As such, the FSC is, first and foremost, a learning organisation. FSC members seek to improve their own practice and institutions by uncovering practical knowledge, validating it with those most concerned and with academic feedback, consolidating knowledge and transferring lessons learnt.

Since its foundation in 2000, the FSC has used and developed a set of terminology and concepts. Fostering a Durable Relationship between a Waste Management Facility and its Host Community: Adding Value through Design and Process (NEA, 2007a) included a five-page glossary of terms that appeared central to understanding the innovative concepts put forward in that major report. Then, at the 11th Regular Meeting of the FSC in 2010, it was determined that a new, extensive review of concepts and definitions would be useful in order to inform new FSC members or to elaborate future texts on decision making in radioactive waste management.

The annotated glossary was thus prepared by consultant Meritxell Martell on the basis of a review of the full range of FSC publications across the past decade, and discussions with Claudio Pescatore and Claire Mays of the NEA Secretariat. Ms. Mays and Mr. Pescatore then revised glossary entries in detail. The FSC Core Group helped to shape intermediate drafts. The glossary was reviewed at the FSC-12 meeting (2011), where the FSC re-examined its key concepts, reaffirming or refining past understanding. In each entry, the key characteristics of the concept are explained and its symbolic dimension described. In some cases, references to other literature are provided.

It is to be expected that within the coming years and through continuing dialogue the understanding of certain concepts will evolve further and other terms will come to the fore. It is intended that the FSC will continue to discuss and update its glossary in line with these changes, to maintain it as a living document.

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