Kewaunee Power Station -- Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report
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This report has been prepared by an ad-hoc Working Group (WG) formed by ANDRA (France), NUMO (Japan), NAGRA (Switzerland) and ENRESA (Spain) in May 2003, after the EDRAM meeting held in Valencia to study the situation in the different EDRAM member countries regarding the treatment of radioactive waste ownership and management of long-term liabilities.
Fact Sheet - Big Rock Point
Eight years after the entry into force of the Law on the provisions created for the decommissioning of nuclear power plants and the management of fuel irradiated in these plants (Law of 11 April 2003, as amended in 2007), the Belgian Minister for Climate and Energy wished to organize a round table on nuclear provisions aimed at examining the possibilities for improving this Law (see attached participant list), taking into account the experience gained and the assessments carried out, by ONDRAF/NIRAS among others within the scope of its _nuclear liabilities inventory_ mission.