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Presentation made at IAEA on the NFST Execution Strategy Analysis Capability

Presentation made at International Conference on The Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors, An Integrated approach to the Back-End of the Fuel Cycle (IAEA-CN-226). The purpose of the conference was to highlight the importance of an integrated long-term approach to the management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors.

Presentation made at IAEA on A Unified Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Database and Analysis System

Presentation made at International Conference on The Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors, An Integrated approach to the Back-End of the Fuel Cycle (IAEA-CN-226). The purpose of the conference was to highlight the importance of an integrated long-term approach to the management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors.

Internationalization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Goals, Strategies, and Challenges

Following the proposals for nuclear fuel assurance of International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) Director General Mohamed ElBaradei, former Russian President Vladimir V.
Putin, and U.S. President George W. Bush, joint committees of the Russian Academy of
Sciences (RAS) and the U.S. National Academies (NAS) were formed to address these and other
fuel assurance concepts and their links to nonproliferation goals. The joint committees also
addressed many technology issues relating to the fuel assurance concepts. This report provides

U.S. Regulatory Recommendations for Actinide-Only Burnup Credit in Transport and Storage Casks

In July 1999, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Spent Fuel Project Office
(SFPO) issued Interim Staff Guidance 8 Revision 1 (ISG8R1) to provide recommendations for the use
of burnup credit in storage and transport of pressurized-water reactor (PWR) spent fuel. Subsequent to
the issuance of ISG8R1, the NRC Office of Regulatory Research (RES) has directed an effort to
investigate the technical basis for extending the criteria and recommendations of ISG8R1 to allow

Assessment of Benefits for Extended Burnup Credit in Transporting PWR Spent Nuclear Fuel in the USA

This paper presents an assessment of the benefits for extended burnup credit in transporting
pressurized-water-reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in the United States. A prototypic 32-
assembly cask and the current regulatory guidance were used as bases for this assessment. By
comparing recently released PWR discharge data with actinide-only-based loading curves, this
evaluation shows that additional negative reactivity (through either increased credit for fuel burnup or

A Coordinated U.S. Program to Address Full Burnup Credit in Transport and Storage Casks

The benefits of burnup credit and the technical issues associated with utilizing burnup credit in spent
nuclear fuel (SNF) casks have been studied in the United States for almost two decades. The issuance of the
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff guidance for actinide-only burnup credit in 2002 was a
significant step toward providing a regulatory framework for using burnup credit in transport casks. However,
adherence to the current regulatory guidance (e.g., limit credit to actinides) enables only about 30% of the existing

Application of Sensitivity/Uncertainty Methods to Burnup Credit Criticality Validation

The responsible use of calculational methods in nuclear criticality safety includes a determination of bias and bias uncertainty that may exist between the calculated results and reality. Such biases exist due to approximations used to model the real world, uncertainties in nuclear data, and approximations associated with the calculational method (e.g., Monte Carlo method). The bias and bias uncertainty are typically determined by using the modeling approximations, nuclear data, and calculational method to model well-known, usually critical, systems.
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