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Range of Parameters For PWR SNF in a 21 PWR WP

This calculation file uses the MCNP neutron transport code to determine the range of parameters for Pressurized Water Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel contained with a 21 PWR waste package (WP). Four base geometry patterns were considered in this work and included the following: intact fuel assemblies with intact WP internal components, intact fuel assemblies with degraded WP internal components, degraded fuel assemblies with intact WP internal components, and degraded fuel assemblies with degraded WP internal components.


DOE SRS HLW Glass Chemical Composition

The purpose of this engineering calculation is to provide the chemical composition for the Department of Energy (DOE) Savannah River Site (SRS) High-Level Waste (HLW) glass. Since the glass is to be co-disposed with other DOE spent nuclear fuels (SNFs) in the Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR), its chemical composition is needed for the design of the co-disposal canisters and waste packages in term of criticality and degradation.


Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) Reactor Fuel Criticality Calculations

The purpose of these calculations is to characterize the criticality safety concerns for the storage of Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) nuclear fuel in a Department of Energy spent nuclear fuel (DOE SNF) canister in a co-disposal waste package. These results will be used to support the analysis that will be done to demonstrate concept viability related to use in the Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR) environment.


Disposal Criticality Analysis for Aluminum-based Fuel in a Codisposal Waste Package - ORR and MIT SNF - Phase II

The objective of this analysis is to characterize the criticality safety aspects of a degraded Department of Energy spent nuclear fuel (DOESNF) canister containing Masachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) or Oak Ridge Research (ORR) fuel in the Five Pack defense high level waste (DHLW) waste package to demonstrate concept viability related to use in the Minded Geologic Disposal System (MGDS) environment for the postclosure time frame.


Intact and Degraded Component Criticality Calculations of N Reactors Spent Nuclear Fuel

The objective of this calculation is to perform intact and degraded mode criticality evaluations of the Department of Energy's (DOE) N Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel codisposed in a 2-Defense High-Level Waste (2-DHLW)/2-Multi-Canister Overpack (MCO) Waste Package (WP) and emplaced in a monitored geologic repository (MGR) (see Attachment I). The scope of this calculation is limited to the determination of the effective neutron multiplication factor (k{sub eff}) for both intact and degraded mode internal configurations of the codisposal waste package.


Evaluation of Codisposal Viability for Aluminum-Clad DOE-Owned Spent Fuel: Phase I Intact Codisposal Canister

This evaluation is prepared by the Mined Geologic Disposal System (MGDS) Waste Package Development Department (WPDD) to provide analyses of disposal of aluminum (AI)-based Department of Energy-owned research reactor spent nuclear fuel (DOE-SNF) in a codisposal waste package with five canisters of high-level waste (HLW). The analysis was performed in sufficient detail to establish the technical viability of the Al-based DOE-SNF codisposal canister option.


Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Technical report

The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is developing a postclosure methodology for criticality analysis to evaluate disposal of commercial spent nuclear fuel and other high-level waste in a geologic repository. A topical report on the postclosure disposal criticality analysis methodology is scheduled to be submitted to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for formal review in 1998 (to be verified). This technical report is being issued to describe the current status of the postclosure methodology development effort.


Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report Revision 2

This topical report describes the approach to the risk-informed, performance-based methodology to be used for performing postclosure criticality analyses for waste forms in the Monitored Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The risk-informed, performance-based methodology will be used during the licensing process to demonstrate how the potential for postclosure criticality will be limited and to demonstrate that public health and safety are protected against postclosure criticality.


UCF Waste Package Criticality Analysis

This analysis is prepared by the Mined Geologic Disposal System (MGDS) Waste Package Development Department (WPDD) to determine the viability of the UCF waste package concept with respect to criticality regulatory requirements in compliance with the goals of the Waste Package Implementation Plan5·1 for conceptual design. These design calculations are performed in sufficient detail to provide a comprehensive comparison base with other design alternatives.


3rd WP Probabilistic Criticality Analysis: Methodology for Basket Degradation with Application to Commercial SNF

This analysis is prepared by the Mined Geologic Disposal System (MGDS) Waste Package Development (WPD) department to describe the latest version of the probabilistic criticality analysis methodology and its application to the entire commercial waste stream of commercial pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) expected to be emplaced in the repository. The purpose of this particular application is to evaluate the 21 assembly PWR absorber plate waste package (WP) with respect to degraded mode criticality performance.

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