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EQ6 Calculations for Chemical Degradation of Enrico Fermi Spent Nuclear Fuel Waste Packages

The Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR) Waste Package Operations (WPO) of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System Management & Operating Contractor (CRWMS M&O) performed calculations to provide input for disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from the Emico Fermi Atomic Power Plant (Ref. 1). The Fermi fuel has been considered for disposal at the potential Yucca Mountain site.

EQ6 Calculations for Chemical Degradation of Pu-Ceramic Waste Packages

In this study, the long-term geochemical behavior of waste package (WP), containing Pu-ceramic, was modeled. The ceramic under consideration contains Ti, U, Pu, Gd and Hf in a pyrochlore structure; the Gd and Hf stabilize the mineral structure, but are also intended to provide criticality control. The specific study objectives were to determine:
1) the extent to which criticality control material, suggested for this WP design, will remain in the WP after corrosion/dissolution of the initial package configuration (such that it can be effective in preventing criticality), and

Analysis of Mechanisms for Early Waste Package / Drip Shield Failure

The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the types of defects or imperfections that could occur in a waste package or a drip shield and potentially lead to its early failure, and to estimate a probability of undetected occurrence for each type. An early failure is defined as the through-wall penetration of a waste package or drip shield due to manufacturing or handling-induced defects, at a time earlier than would be predicted by mechanistic degradation models for a defect-free waste package or drip shield.

General Corrosion and Localized Corrosion of Waste Package Outer Barrier

The purpose and scope of this model report is to document models for general and localized corrosion of the waste package outer barrier (WPOB) to be used in evaluating long-term waste package performance in the total system performance assessment (TSPA). The waste package design for the license application is a double-wall waste package placed underneath a protective drip shield (SNL 2007 [DIRS 179394]; SNL 2007 [DIRS 179354]). The WPOB will be constructed of Alloy 22 (UNS N06022) (SNL 2007 [DIRS 179567], Section, a highly corrosion-resistant nickel-based alloy.

Analysis of Dust Deliquescence for FEP Screening

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the potential for penetration of the Alloy 22 (UNS N06022) waste package outer barrier by localized corrosion due to the deliquescence of soluble constituents in dust present on waste package surfaces. The results support a recommendation to exclude deliquescence-induced localized corrosion (pitting or crevice corrosion) of the outer barrier from the total system performance assessment for the license application (TSPA-LA).

Cladding Degradation Summary for LA

The purpose of this analysis report is to develop the summary cladding degradation abstraction that will be used in the Total System Performance Assessment for the License Application (TSPA-LA). Most civilian commercial nuclear fuel is encased in Zircaloy cladding. The analysis addressed in this report is intended to describe the postulated condition of commercial Zircaloy-clad fuel as a function of postclosure time after it is placed in the repository.

EQ6 Calculation for Chemical Degradation of Pu-Ceramic Waste Packages: Effects of Updated Materials Composition and Rates

The Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR) Waste Package Operations (WPO) of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System Management and Operating Contractor (CRWMS M&O) performed calculations to provide input for disposal of Pu-ceramic waste forms. The Pu- ceramic (Refs. 1 and 2) is designed to immobilize excess plutonium from weapons production, and has been considered for disposal at the potential Yucca Mountain site.

EQ6 Calculation for Chemical Degradation of Shippingport PWR (HEU Oxide) Spent Nuclear Fuel Waste Packages

The Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR) Waste Package Operations (WPO) of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System Management & Operating Contractor (CRWMS M&O) performed calculations to provide input for disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from the Shippingport Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) (Ref. 1). The Shippingport PWR SNF has been considered for disposal at the proposed Yucca Mountain site.

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