Advisory Material for the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (International Atomic Energy Agency, 2018)
A policy document by the International Atomic Energy Agency providing guidance on major changes to the regulations, transportation system considerations and recommendations, and other advisory materials to be considered in conjunction with the transportation regulations.
Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (International Atomic Energy Agency, 2018)
The policy document from the International Atomic Energy Agency that details the safety requirements radioactive material transportation must meet worldwide.
Spent Fuel Transportation Risk Assessment (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2014)
A report by the NRC detailing an updated risk assessment of spent nuclear fuel transportation, which utilized new analytical tools, more data, and better uncertainty techniques.
Reexamination of Spent Fuel Shipment Risk Estimates (Sandia National Labs, 2000)
A report by Sandia National Laboratories discussing historical risk assessments and detailing updated analytical methods for evaluating spent fuel shipping package response to accident conditions.
Shipping Container Response to Severe Highway and Railway Accident Conditions (Lawrence Livermore National Lab, 1987)
A report by Lawrence Livermore National Lab evaluating whether the accident conditions specified in regulatory cask requirements are representative of real accident conditions, and what the potential risks of a package exposed to real accident conditions may be in comparison to regulatory accident conditions.
Transportation Risk Studies (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2000)
A short document that describes the motivation, scope, and status of risk studies happening at the time of writing. It contextualizes them within prior research and discusses the original approach to the Package Performance Study.
Transporting Spent Fuel: Protection Provided Against Severe Highway and Railroad Accidents (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1987)
A report by the NRC characterizing the safety of spent nuclear fuel transportation packages if involved in a severe accident. Accident scenarios were characterized based on historical data and cask responses were evaluated based on existing data and mathematical models.
A Historical Review of the Safe Transport of Spent Nuclear Fuel (Oak Ridge National Lab & Argonne National Lab, 2016)
A report by several national labs examining the accident history of spent nuclear fuel worldwide, focusing on the rate and severity of accidents and incidents during the transport of spent nuclear fuel.
Going the Distance? The Safe Transport of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste in the United States (The National Academies, 2006)
The National Academies report on the transportation of spent nuclear fuel.
Recommended Railroad Operating Practice for Transportation of Hazardous Materials (American Association of Railroads, 2019)
A document by the American Association of Railroads describing recommended operating practices for railroads carrying hazardous materials. The scope of hazardous materials is not limited to radiological material. Their recommendations include notifications, emergency response information, and other operating best practices.