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Application of Sensitivity/Uncertainty Methods to Burnup Credit Criticality Validation
Application of Sensitivity/Uncertainty Methods to Burnup Credit Criticality Validation
Research Supporting Implementation of Burnup Credit in the Criticality Safety Assessment of Transport and Storage Casks
Research Supporting Implementation of Burnup Credit in the Criticality Safety Assessment of Transport and Storage Casks
SCALE-4 Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactor Critical Configurations: Volume 3-Surry Unit 1 Cycle 2
SCALE-4 Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactor Critical Configurations: Volume 3-Surry Unit 1 Cycle 2
CSNF Loading Curve Sensitivity Analysis
CSNF Loading Curve Sensitivity Analysis
The purpose of this scientific analysis report, CSNF Loading Curve Sensitivity Analysis, is to establish the required minimum burnup as a function of initial enrichment for both pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) commercial spent nuclear fuel (CSNF) that would allow permanent disposal of these waste forms in the geologic repository at Yucca Mountain. The relationship between the required minimum burnup and fuel assembly initial enrichment forms a loading curve.
Spent Fuel Project Office, Interim Staff Guidance - 8, Revision 1, Burnup Credit in the Criticality Safety Analyses of PWR Spent Fuel in Transport and Storage Casks
Spent Fuel Project Office, Interim Staff Guidance - 8, Revision 1, Burnup Credit in the Criticality Safety Analyses of PWR Spent Fuel in Transport and Storage Casks
Spent Fuel Project Office, Interim Staff Guidance - 8, Revision 1
OECD/NEA Burnup Credit Criticality Benchmarks Phase IIIB: Burnup Calculations of BWR Fuel Assemblies for Storage and Transport
OECD/NEA Burnup Credit Criticality Benchmarks Phase IIIB: Burnup Calculations of BWR Fuel Assemblies for Storage and Transport
The report describes the final results of the Phase IIIB Benchmark conducted by the
Expert Group on Burnup Credit Criticality Safety under the auspices of the Nuclear Energy
Agency (NEA) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
The Benchmark was intended to compare the predictability of current computer code and
data library combinations for the atomic number densities of an irradiated BWR fuel
assembly model. The fuel assembly was irradiated under specific power of 25.6 MW/tHM
Isotopic Analysis of High-Burnup PWR Spent Fuel Samples from the Takahama-3 Reactor
Isotopic Analysis of High-Burnup PWR Spent Fuel Samples from the Takahama-3 Reactor
This report presents the results of computer code benchmark simulations against spent fuel radiochemical assay
measurements from the Kansai Electric Ltd. Takahama-3 reactor published by the Japan Atomic Energy
Research Institute. Takahama-3 is a pressurized-water reactor that operates with a 17 × 17 fuel-assembly design.
Spent fuel samples were obtained from assemblies operated for 2 and 3 cycles and achieved a maximum burnup
of 47 GWd/MTU. Radiochemical analyses were performed on two rods having an initial enrichment of
Direct Disposal of Dual-Purpose Canisters - Options for Assuring Criticality Control
Direct Disposal of Dual-Purpose Canisters - Options for Assuring Criticality Control
Burnup Credit Bibliographies
Burnup Credit Bibliographies
The attached documents are an extensive list of references relevant to burnup credit criticality analysis. Some of the references may be available within the CURIE document collection.
Experimental Investigation of Burnup Credit for Safe Transport, Storage, and Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Experimental Investigation of Burnup Credit for Safe Transport, Storage, and Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel
A Statistical Method for Estimating the Net Uncertainty in the Prediction of k Based on Isotopic Uncertainties
A Statistical Method for Estimating the Net Uncertainty in the Prediction of k Based on Isotopic Uncertainties
Validation of SCALE-4 for Burnup Credit Applications
Validation of SCALE-4 for Burnup Credit Applications
In the past, criticality analysis of pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuel stored in racks and casks has assumed that the fuel is fresh with the maximum allowable initial enrichment. If credit is allowed for fuel burnup in the design of casks that are used in the transport of spent light water reactor fuel to a repository, the increase in payload can lead to a significant reduction in the cost of transport and a potential reduction in the risk to the public. A portion of the work has been performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in support of the U.S.
PWR Radiochemical Assay Benchmarks Using SAS2H and CASMO
PWR Radiochemical Assay Benchmarks Using SAS2H and CASMO
Recommendations for PWR Storage and Transportation Casks That Use Burnup Credit
Recommendations for PWR Storage and Transportation Casks That Use Burnup Credit
Investigation of Average and Pin-Wise Burnup Modeling of PWR Fuel
Investigation of Average and Pin-Wise Burnup Modeling of PWR Fuel
Burnup Credit - Technical Basis for Spent-Fuel Burnup Verification
Burnup Credit - Technical Basis for Spent-Fuel Burnup Verification
Present regulatory practices provide as much burnup credit flexibility as can be currently
expected. Further progress is achievable by incorporating the negative reactivity effects of a
subset of neutron-absorbing fission-product isotopes, and by optimizing the procedural approach
for establishing the burnup characteristics of the spent fuel to be loaded in burnup-creditdesigned
storage and transportation systems. This report describes progress toward developing a
Fission Product Experiment Program: Validation and Calculational Analysis
Fission Product Experiment Program: Validation and Calculational Analysis
From 1998 to 2004, a series of critical experiments referred to as the fission product (FP) experimental program was performed at the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique Valduc research facility. The experiments were designed by Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) and funded by AREVA NC and IRSN within the French program supporting development of a technical basis for burnup credit validation.
Improved Radiochemical Assay Analyses Using TRITON Depletion Sequences in SCALE
Improved Radiochemical Assay Analyses Using TRITON Depletion Sequences in SCALE
Issues for Effective Implementation of Burnup Credit
Issues for Effective Implementation of Burnup Credit
In the United States, burnup credit has been used in the criticality safety evaluation for storage pools at
pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and considerable work has been performed to lay the foundation for use of
burnup credit in dry storage and transport cask applications and permanent disposal applications. Many of the
technical issues related to the basic physics phenomena and parameters of importance are similar in each of these
applications. However, the nuclear fuel cycle in the United States has never been fully integrated and the
Regulatory Status of Burnup Credit for Spent-Fuel Storage and Transport Casks
Regulatory Status of Burnup Credit for Spent-Fuel Storage and Transport Casks
International Comparison of a Depletion Calculation Benchmark on Fuel Cycle Issues - Results from Phase 1 on UOx Fuels
International Comparison of a Depletion Calculation Benchmark on Fuel Cycle Issues - Results from Phase 1 on UOx Fuels
Although there are many reactor system benchmarks in the literature, they mostly
concentrate on the reactor system in isolation with only a few considering the fuel cycle.
However, there is currently increased emphasis on the performance of reactor systems
linked to their associated fuel cycle (Generation-IV for example). The published
international benchmark studies which relate to burn-up depletion calculations are
restricted to specific aspects of the fuel cycle:
Cross-Checking of the Operator Data Used for Burn Up Measurements
Cross-Checking of the Operator Data Used for Burn Up Measurements
Taking into account of the loss of reactivity of fuels at the end of their irradiation is known under the
term burnup credit (BUC). It is a question of dimensioning in a less penalizing way the devices of transport,
storage or of processing with respect to the risk of criticality. In the context of nuclear criticality safety a better
realism cannot be obtained at the price of conservatism. As a result the regulator requires measurements make it
possible to validate the adequacy between real fuels and the design assumptions. The sophistication of the