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Siting Experience Documents Only
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Multiphysics Simulation of DPC Criticality Scoping Calculations and Coupling Strategy
Multiphysics Simulation of DPC Criticality Scoping Calculations and Coupling Strategy
Criticality Analysis Process for Direct Disposal of Dual Purpose Canisters
Criticality Analysis Process for Direct Disposal of Dual Purpose Canisters
Dual Purpose Canister Reactivity and Groundwater Absorption Analyses
Dual Purpose Canister Reactivity and Groundwater Absorption Analyses
Review of Criticality Evaluations for Direct Disposal of Submitted to the U.S. Department DPCs and Recommendations
Review of Criticality Evaluations for Direct Disposal of Submitted to the U.S. Department DPCs and Recommendations
Preliminary Analysis of Postclosure DPC Criticality Consequences
Preliminary Analysis of Postclosure DPC Criticality Consequences
Postclosure Criticality Consequence Analysis - Scoping Phase
Postclosure Criticality Consequence Analysis - Scoping Phase
Workshop to Plan RD Support of Fuel Basket Modification for Direct Disposal of Future DPCs
Workshop to Plan RD Support of Fuel Basket Modification for Direct Disposal of Future DPCs
Summary and Evaluation of NRC RAIs on Applications for Renewal of Licenses for ISFSIs for Dry Cask Storage Systems
Summary and Evaluation of NRC RAIs on Applications for Renewal of Licenses for ISFSIs for Dry Cask Storage Systems
Dual Purpose Canister Reactivity and Groundwater Absorption Analyses
Dual Purpose Canister Reactivity and Groundwater Absorption Analyses
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
M2SF-19SN010305021- Accelerated Testing of Selected Filler Compositions
M2SF-19SN010305021- Accelerated Testing of Selected Filler Compositions
Criticality Consequence Analysis Roadmap for a Spent Nuclear Fuel Canister in a Repository
Criticality Consequence Analysis Roadmap for a Spent Nuclear Fuel Canister in a Repository
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
DPC Criticality Simulation Preliminary Phase Fuel Basket Degradation Models
DPC Criticality Simulation Preliminary Phase Fuel Basket Degradation Models
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
UNF-ST&DARDS Documentation Release 3.0
UNF-ST&DARDS Documentation Release 3.0
The Morally Desirable Option for Nuclear Power Production
The Morally Desirable Option for Nuclear Power Production
This paper reflects on the various possible nuclear power production methods from an ethical perspective. The production and consumption of nuclear power give rise to the problem of intergenerational justice; in other words, we are depleting a nonrenewable resource in the form of uranium while the radiotoxic waste that is generated carries very long-term potential burdens. I argue that the morally desirable option should therefore be to seek to safeguard the interests of future generations.
Reset of America's Nuclear Waste Management Strategy and Policy
Reset of America's Nuclear Waste Management Strategy and Policy
The U.S. nuclear waste management program has labored for decades at a cost of billions of dollars each year, and yet there is still no active disposal program either for spent nuclear fuel from commercial reactors or for the high-level radioactive legacy waste and spent nuclear fuel from defense programs.
Interim Storage, Environmental Justice, and Generational Equity
Interim Storage, Environmental Justice, and Generational Equity
With the termination of the Yucca Mountain project, which was proposed to be our nation’s first repository for the disposal of military and civilian spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste, the future of nuclear waste management and disposal in this country became increasingly uncertain. Interim storage has been advocated by many as a temporary solution while a permanent solution is studied for potentially several more decades to come.
Transportation Planning: Indigenous Dialogue
Transportation Planning: Indigenous Dialogue
In 2019, the NWMO commissioned Maawandoon Inc to lead Indigenous Dialogue session to support NWMO’s transportation planning for the long-term care of Canada’s used nuclear fuel. This research built upon and complemented public attitude research carried out in 2017 and 2018. The research methodology consisted of 7 Indigenous dialogue sessions and attendance at 3 Indigenous Annual General Assemblies (AGA)/meetings with dialogue components.