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MCNP Evaluation of Laboratory Critical Experiments: Homogeneous Mixture Criticals

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BBA000000-01717-0200-00045_MOL.19971230.0134.pdf (2.94 MB) 2.94 MB

The purpose of this analysis is to document Waste Package Development Department (WPPD) MCNP evaluations of benchmark solution Laboratory Critical Experiments (LCE's). The objective of this analysis is to quantify the ability of the MCNP 4A (Reference 5.4) code system to accurately calculate the effective neutron multiplication factor (keff) for various measured critical (i.e., keff=1.0) configurations. This analysis primarily quantifies the effectiveness of the MCNP criticality calculation for configurations containing either uranium or plutonium solutions or solutions that incorporate both elements as fissile species. The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) ENDFIB-V cross section libraries were used in these analyses.
The results of this analysis will be used to support the development of the disposal criticality analysis methodology.

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