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Neutronics Benchmark for the Quad Cities-1 (Cycle 2) Mixed-Oxide Assembly Irradiation

Fisher, S. E.
Difilippo, F. C.
Publication Date

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Reactor physics computer programs are important tools that will be-used to estimate mixed oxide
fuel (MOX) physics performance in support of weapons grade plutonium disposition in U.S. and
Russian Federation reactors. Many of the computer programs used today have not undergone
calculational comparisons to measured data obtained during reactor operation. Pin power, the
buildup of transuranics, and depletion of gadolinium measurements were conducted (under Electric
Power Research Institute sponsorship) on uranium and MOX pins irradiated in the Quad Cities-l
reactor in the 1970’s. These measurements are compared to modem computational models for the
HELIOS and SCALE computer codes. Good agreement on pin powers was obtained for both MOX
and uranium pins. The agreement between measured and calculated values of transuranic isotopes
was mixed, depending on the particular isotope.

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