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SCALE-4 Analysis of LaSalle Unit 1 BWR Commercial Reactor Critical Configurations

Five commercial reactor criticals (CRCs) for the LaSalle Unit 1 boiling-water reactor
have been analyzed using KENO V.a, the Monte Carlo criticality code of the SCALE 4 code
system. The irradiated fuel assembly isotopics for the criticality analyses were provided by the
Waste Package Design team at the Yucca Mountain Project in the United States, who performed
the depletion calculations using the SAS2H sequence of SCALE 4. The reactor critical
measurements involved two beginning-of-cycle and three middle-of-cycle configurations. The

Validation of SCALE (SAS2H) Isotopic Predictions for BWR Spent Fuel

Thirty spent fuel samples obtained from boiling-water-reactor (BWR) fuel pins have been
modeled at Oak Ridge National Laboratory using the SAS2H sequence of the SCALE code system.
The SAS2H sequence uses transport methods combined with the depletion and decay capabilities
of the ORIGEN-S code to estimate the isotopic composition of fuel as a function of its burnup
history. Results of these calculations are compared with chemical assay measurements of spent fuel
inventories for each sample. Results show reasonable agreement between measured and predicted

CRC Reactivity Calculations for Quad Cities Unit 2

In the development of a methodology to account for exposure effects on the reactivity of spent Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) fuel in the proposed Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR) at Yucca Mountain, the accuracy of the methods used to predict the inventories of fissile and fissionable nuclides as well as neutron poisons present in the spent fuel must be established. One aspect ofthis confirmatory effort is accomplished by performing benchmark problems for known in-reactor critical configurations - Commercial Reactor Criticals (CRCs).

Prediction of the Isotopic Composition of UO2 Fuel from a BWR: Analysis of the DU1 Sample from the Dodewaard Reactor

As part of a larger program to study mixed-oxide fuel subject to high burnup, some UO2 samples were exposed and analyzed. This report discusses results from the analysis of a UO sample that was burned in a boiling-water reactor (BWR) to approximately 57 GWd/t. The sample

SAS2H Analysis of Radiochemical Assay Samples from Cooper BWR Reactor

The purpose of this design analysis is to determine the accuracy of the SAS2H module of SCALE 4.3 in predicting isotopic concentrations of spent fuel assemblies. The objective is to develop a methodology for modeling assemblies similar to those evaluated within this analysis and to establish the consistency of SAS2H predictions. The results of this analysis may then be applied to future depletion calculations using SAS2H in which no measurements are available.

K-Infinite Trends with Burnup, Enrichment, and Cooling Time for BWR Fuel Assemblies

This report documents the work performed by ORNL for the Yucca Mountain Project (YMP)
M&O contractor, Framatome Cogema Fuels. The goal of this work was to obtain k values for inf
infinite arrays of flooded boiling-water-reactor (BWR) fuel assemblies as a function of various
burnup/enrichment and cooling-time combinations. These scenarios simulate expected limiting
criticality loading conditions (for a given assembly type) for drift emplacements in a repository. Upon

Investigation of Burnup Credit Modeling Issues Associated with BWR Fuel

This report investigates various calculational modeling issues associated with boilingwater-
reactor (BWR) fuel depletion relevant to burnup credit. To date, most of the efforts in
burnup-credit studies in the United States have focused on issues related to pressurized-waterreactor
(PWR) fuel. However, requirements for the permanent disposal of BWR fuel have
necessitated the development of methods for predicting the spent fuel contents for such fuels.
Concomitant with such analyses, validation is also necessary. This report provides a summary of

MCNP CRC Reactivity Calculation For Quad Cities BWR

The purpose of this analysis is to document the Commercial Reactor Critical (CRC) benchmark evaluation performed for the Quad Cities Unit 1 boiling water reactor (BWR). The CRC benchmark is performed at a beginning of life (BOL) statepoint representing reactor start-up critical conditions. The objective of this CRC benchmark analysis is to provide a validation benchmark for the MCNP 4A analytic tool for use in the disposal criticality analysis methodology.

Code to Code Comparison of One- and Two-Dimensional Methods

This calculation file provides comparisons of one- and two-dimensional methods for calculating the isotopic content of spent nuclear fuel. The one-dimensional methods use the SAS2H sequence of SCALE 4.4a (Reference 7.1) and the SAS2 sequence of SCALE 5.0 (Reference 7.2). The two-dimensional method uses the TRITON control module along with the T-DEPL sequence of SCALE 5.0 (Reference 7.3). The SAS2H results for SCALE 4.4a are taken from Reference 7.4. Data from previous two-dimensional calculations (Reference 7.5) using CASM03 will also be used for comparisons with TRITON.

Reactor Record Uncertainty Determination

The objective of this calculation is to evaluate commercial spent nuclear fuel (CSNF) bumup uncertainty based on pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) records kept by each utility. The bumup uncertainties will be used to adjust either the waste package loading curves or the bumup values of assemblies shipped to the repository.
This engineering calculation supports the burnup credit methodology in Reference 1 and is performed in accordance with the AREVAIFANP procedures in References 2 and 3.

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