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Nuclear Power Joint Fact-Finding

"Nuclear power has long been controversial; consequently, the debate about its reemergence requires a fresh assessment of the facts about the technology, its economics and regulatory oversight, and the risks and benefits of its expansion. In the past year, the Keystone Center assembled a group of 27 individuals (see the Endorsement page for a list of Participants) with extensive experience and unique perspectives to develop a joint understanding of the “facts” and for an objective interpretation of the most credible information in areas where uncertainty persists.

Presentation made at IAEA on A Unified Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Database and Analysis System

Presentation made at International Conference on The Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors, An Integrated approach to the Back-End of the Fuel Cycle (IAEA-CN-226). The purpose of the conference was to highlight the importance of an integrated long-term approach to the management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors.

UNF-ST&DARDS presentation to WM2015

A comprehensive, integrated data and analysis tool—the Used Nuclear Fuel-Storage, Transportation & Disposal Analysis Resource and Data System (UNF-ST&DARDS) —is being developed for the US DOE Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE) Nuclear Fuels Storage and Transportation Planning Project (NFST). The overarching goal of UNF-ST&DARDS is to provide a comprehensive controlled source of technical data integrated with key analysis capabilities to characterize inputs to the overall US waste management system from reactor power production through ultimate disposition.

WCS Resolution

In the commissioners court of Andrews County, Texas

A resolution in support of establishing a site in Andrews County for consolidated interim storage of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste.


The purpose of this study is to analyze the costs and risks associated with transporting spent fuel by barge. The barge movements would be made in combination with rail movements to transport spent fuel from plants to a repository. For the purposes of this analysis, three candidate repository sites are analyzed: Yucca Mountain, Nevada, Deaf Smith, Texas, and Hanford, Washington. This report complements a report prepared by Sandia National Laboratories in 1984 that analyzes the costs and risks of transporting spent
fuel by rail and by truck to nine candidate repository sites.

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