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Preclosure Consequence Analyses

This document contains analyses and calculations of absorbed dose from dispersed waste forms from light water reactors. The design features of HEPA filters are compared to the results. The calculation determines the consequences from normal operations and event sequences from surface and subsurface facilities during the preclosure period.

Criticality Model

The Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report (YMP 2003) presents the methodology for evaluating potential criticality situations in the monitored geologic repository. As stated in the referenced Topical Report, the detailed methodology for performing the disposal criticality analyses will be documented in model reports. Many of the models developed in support of the Topical Report differ from the definition of models as given in the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management procedure AP-SIII.10Q, Models, in that they are procedural, rather than mathematical.

Criticality Evaluation of Intact and Degraded PWR WPs Containing MOX SNF

The purpose of this calculation is to perform criticality evaluations for mixed oxide spent nuclear fuel (MOX SNF) in 12 and 21 Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) waste packages (WPs) for both intact and degraded configurations.
The MOX assembly design considered in previous studies on Pu disposition in commercial reactors is based on the Westinghouse (W) 17x17 Vantage 5 assembly (Ref. 7.2). Depletion analyses of four Pu enrichment and burnup (expressed as gigawatt days/metric ton heavy metal; GWd/MTHM) combinations were performed in Reference 7.4. These are:

Waste Package Flooding Probability Evaluation

The objective of this calculation is to evaluate the probability of flooding a waste package with seepage water. Disruptive events can affect the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) components and have the potential to allow an advective flow of seepage water to reach the waste package. The advective and diffusive flow paths into the waste package have the potential to result in water accumulation inside the waste package, which in turn can lead to a potentially critical configuration. This calculation will evaluate the following:

Criticality Consequence Analysis Involving Intact PWR SNF in a Degraded 21 PWR Assembly Waste Package

The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the transient behavior and consequences of a worst case criticality event involving intact pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in a degraded basket configuration inside a 21 PWR assembly waste package (WP). The objective of this analysis is to demonstrate that the consequences of a worst case criticality event involving intact PWR SNF are insignificant in their effect on the overall radioisotopic inventory in a WP.

EQ6 Calculations for Chemical Degradation of PWR LEU and PWR MOX Spent Fuel Waste Packages

The Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR) Waste Package Operations of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System Management & Operating (CRWMS M&O) contractor performed calculations to provide input to the design of a waste package (WP). This document analyzes the degradation processes of two types of pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF): • Fuel fabricated from low enriched uranium oxide, which has been used, or will ~ used, in commercial nuclear power plants.

Waste Package Probabilistic Criticality Analysis: Summary Report of Evaluations in 1997

The emplacement of nuclear waste in the proposed geologic repository must satisfy relevant regulatory requirements with respect to criticality, 10CFR60. I31 (h) (Ref. 25). The waste packages for the various waste forms will be designed to preclude criticality (typically by the inclusion of neutron absorbers) even if the waste package becomes filled with water. Criticality may, however, be possible if the contents of the waste package become degraded in such a way that the fissile material can be separated from the neutron absorbers, while sufficient moderator is retained.

Frequency of SNF Misload for Uncanistered Fuel Waste Package

The purpose ofthis engineering calculation is to estimate the frequency of misloading spent nuclear fuel (SNF) assemblies that would result in exceeding the criticality design basis of a waste package (WP). This type of misload - a reactivity misload - results from the incorrect placement of one or more fuel assemblies into a waste package such that the criticality controls do not match the required controls for the fuel assemblies.

NRC Waste Confidence Positions

In response to the remand of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (Minnesota v. NRC, 602 F.2d 412 (1979)), and as a continuation of previous proceedings conducted in this area by NRC (44 Fed. Reg. 61,372), the Commission initiated a generic rulemaking proceeding on October 25, 1979.

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