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Multi-pack Disposal Concepts for Spent Fuel
Multi-pack Disposal Concepts for Spent Fuel
Appendix M – Atlas Railcar Dynamic Modeling Plan
Appendix M – Atlas Railcar Dynamic Modeling Plan
Appendix H – Preliminary Buffer Prototype Railcar Deliverables
Appendix H – Preliminary Buffer Prototype Railcar Deliverables
Task Order 12 Standardized Transportation, Aging an
Task Order 12 Standardized Transportation, Aging an
Design Basis Requirements Document (DBRD) for the DOE Atlas Railcar
Design Basis Requirements Document (DBRD) for the DOE Atlas Railcar
Program Plan for the Development of the Bedded Salt Pilot Plant
Program Plan for the Development of the Bedded Salt Pilot Plant
A program leading to the establishment in FY I983 of a pilot plant for storing radioactive wastes in bedded salt is described. The program consists of laboratory and field investigations of factors affecting the suitability of a specific site in southeastern New Mexico; of more generally applicable problems associated with geohydrology and rock mechanics; and of considerations bearing on the operational safety of a pilot plant repository. Tasks concerned with the engineering development and design of the facility are also included.
Generic Design Alternatives for Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Generic Design Alternatives for Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Standardized Transportation, Aging, and Disposal Canister Feasibility Study
Standardized Transportation, Aging, and Disposal Canister Feasibility Study
Initial Standardized Canister System Evaluation
Initial Standardized Canister System Evaluation
Preliminary Evaluation of Removing Used Nuclear Fuel from Shutdown Sites
Preliminary Evaluation of Removing Used Nuclear Fuel from Shutdown Sites
Generic Design Alternatives for Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Generic Design Alternatives for Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Radioactive Waste Management Programmes in OECD/NEA Member Countries: Germany
Radioactive Waste Management Programmes in OECD/NEA Member Countries: Germany
A summary of the radioactive waste management program in Germany as of 2013, including the national nuclear energy context; sources, types, and quantities of waste; radioactive waste management policies and programs; research and development; decommissioning and dismantling policies and projects; transport; competent authorities; financing; and public information.
Committee on Radioactive Waste Management - Tenth Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Committee on Radioactive Waste Management - Tenth Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Tenth annual report by the U.K.'s Committee on Radioactive Waste Management discuss the events of the previous year.
The MRS Task Force: Economic and Non-Economic Incentives for Local Public Acceptance of a Proposed Nuclear Waste Packaging and Storage Facility
The MRS Task Force: Economic and Non-Economic Incentives for Local Public Acceptance of a Proposed Nuclear Waste Packaging and Storage Facility
A joint Oak Ridge - Roane County citizen task force (TF) evaluated the<br/>Department of Energy's (DOE) proposal to site a Monitored Retrievable Storage<br/>facility in Tennessee in terms of environmental, transportation and socioeconomic<br/>impacts. The case study examines how the TF used mitigation, compensation and<br/>incentives (economic and non-economic) to address the problem of distrust of DOE<br/>and to change the net local impact balance from negative to positive.
Environmental Risk Characterization Work Plan Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, Massachusetts
Environmental Risk Characterization Work Plan Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, Massachusetts
Report to Congress on the Demonstration of the Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Decommissioned Nuclear Power Reactor Sites
Report to Congress on the Demonstration of the Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Decommissioned Nuclear Power Reactor Sites
This report discusses the status of the commercial spent nuclear fuel (SNF) inventory in the United States, at both decommissioned and operating commercial nuclear power reactor sites; summarizes the contractual arrangement the government and utilities have under the Standard Contract for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste (10 CFR Part 961) (Standard Contract), related litigation, and the financial liabilities resulting from the Department’s delay in performance under these contracts; provides a history of interim storage policy as it relates to commercial SN
The International Security Implications Of U.S. Domestic Nuclear Power Decisions
The International Security Implications Of U.S. Domestic Nuclear Power Decisions
The United States makes decisions regarding the domestic uses of nuclear energy and the nuclear fuel cycle primarily based economic considerations, domestic political constraints, and environmental impact concerns. Such factors influence U.S. foreign policy decisions as well, but foreign policy decisions are often more strongly determined by national security considerations, including concerns about nuclear weapons proliferation and nuclear terrorism.
Advanced Fuel Cycle Cost Basis
Advanced Fuel Cycle Cost Basis
This report, commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), provides a comprehensive set of cost data supporting a cost analysis for the relative economic comparison of options for use in the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) Program. The report describes the AFCI cost basis development process, reference information on AFCI cost modules, a procedure for estimating fuel cycle costs, economic evaluation guidelines, and a discussion on the integration of cost data into economic computer models.
Nuclear Energy R&D Infrastructure Report for The Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future
Nuclear Energy R&D Infrastructure Report for The Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future
Over the past few years a number of important studies have been executed to identify and define the necessary nuclear energy research, development and demonstration (RD&D) infrastructure that must be sustained or developed.
From Integral Experiments to Nuclear Data Improvement
From Integral Experiments to Nuclear Data Improvement
Target accuracy on LWR neutronics parameters is 2 to 5 times lower than the a priori uncertainty (1σ)
due to nuclear data. This paper summarizes the experimental facilities and the integral measurements that are required
for code qualification. The rigorous use of integral information through trend analysis method is described. Trends
on JEF2 data from Keff measurements and P.I.Es are presented. These trends were accounted for in the new JEFF3
evaluations. The role of fundamental experiments, such as worth measurement of separated isotopes, is emphasized.
Criticality Evaluation of Degraded Internal Configurations for the PWR AUCF WP Designs
Criticality Evaluation of Degraded Internal Configurations for the PWR AUCF WP Designs
The purpose of this analysis is to provide input on the criticality potential of various degraded configurations to an analysis on the probability of a criticality event in a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Advanced Uncanistered Fuel (AUCF) Waste Package (WP).
Frequency of SNF Misload for Uncanistered Fuel Waste Package
Frequency of SNF Misload for Uncanistered Fuel Waste Package
The purpose of this engineering calculation is to estimate the frequency of misloading spent nuclear fuel (SNF) assemblies that would result in exceeding the criticality design basis of a waste package (WP). This type of misload - a reactivity misload - results from the incorrect placement of one or more fuel assemblies into a waste package such that the criticality controls do not match the required controls for the fuel assemblies. An actual criticality event can not occur in a WP unless a moderator (e.g. water) is present.
Spent Nuclear Fuel: Accumulating Quantities at Commercial Reactors Present Storage and Other Challenges
Spent Nuclear Fuel: Accumulating Quantities at Commercial Reactors Present Storage and Other Challenges
The amount of spent fuel stored on-site at commercial nuclear reactors will continue to accumulate—increasing by about 2,000 metric tons per year and likely more than doubling to about 140,000 metric tons—before it can be moved off-site, because storage or disposal facilities may take decades to develop. In examining centralized storage or permanent disposal options, GAO found that new facilities may take from 15 to 40 years before they are ready to begin accepting spent fuel. Once an off-site facility is available, it will take several more decades to ship spent fuel to that facility.
SCALE-4 Analysis of Pressurized Water REactor Critical Configurations: Volume 5 - North Anna Unit 1 Cycle 5
SCALE-4 Analysis of Pressurized Water REactor Critical Configurations: Volume 5 - North Anna Unit 1 Cycle 5
The requirements of ANSI/ANS 8.1 specify that calculational methods for away-from-reactor
(AFR) criticality safety analyses be validated against experimental measurements. If credit for the
negative reactivity of the depleted (or spent) fuel isotopics is desired, it is necessary to benchmark
computational methods against spent fuel critical configurations. This report summarizes a portion
of the ongoing effort to benchmark AFR criticality analysis methods using selected critical
configurations from commercial pressurized-water reactors (PWR).