Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel Igneous Scenario Criticality Evaluation
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ANL-EBS-NU-000009_DOC.20070711.0003.pdf (4.05 MB) | 4.05 MB |
The purpose of this scientific analysis report, Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel Igneous Scenario Criticality Evaluation, is to investigate the effects of an igneous intrusion event occurring in the repository on commercial spent nuclear fuel (CSNF) stored in waste packages. This activity supports the Postclosure Criticality Department's development of bounding (design-basis) configurations for loading specifications and the evaluation of features, events, and processes (FEPs) that could lead to waste package criticality. The intended use of these results is to perform assessments of conditions necessary for criticality and to support the development of a canister concept that can be used for transportation and long-term disposal at Yucca Mountain.
The scope of this analysis is limited to in-package criticality evaluations for the CSNF waste forms-pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) fuel assemblies.