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Used Fuel Disposition U.S. Radioactive Waste Inventory and Characteristics Related to Potential Future Nuclear Energy Systems

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brc_inventory_whitepaper_rev_2.pdf (468.6 KB) 468.6 KB
brc_inventory_whitepaper_rev_1.pdf (395.87 KB) 395.87 KB

In February, 2011 the Blue Ribbon Commission (BRC) on America’s Nuclear Future requested the Department of Energy
(DOE) to provide a white paper summarizing the quantities and characteristics of potential waste generated by various
nuclear fuel cycles. The BRC request expressed interest in two classes of radioactive wastes:
 Existing waste that are or might be destined for a civilian deep geologic repository or equivalent.
 Potential future waste, generated by alternative nuclear fuel cycles (e.g. wastes from reprocessing, mixed-oxide
(MOX) fuel fabrication, and advanced reactors such as Sodium Fast Reactors (SFR).
This paper summarizes three existing reports prepared for the DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE), Fuel Cycle
Technology (FCT) program: “Fuel Cycle Potential Waste For Disposition” Rev 3 [Ref 1], “LLW Disposition, Quantity
and Inventory” Rev 1 [Ref 2] and “LLW Inventory from MOX Fuel Fabrication” Rev 0 [Ref 3].
The evaluations presented are subject to several sources of uncertainty including: historical accuracy, the timeline for
implementation of future fuel cycles, technology advancement during the implementation period and changing
environmental regulations which may place a greater (or lesser) demand on waste capture and treatment processes.
Differing assumptions are used throughout this study to aide in developing a range of quantities and characteristics for
waste requiring disposal. The use of a single scenario or data point from a single example is discouraged.

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