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From Integral Experiments to Nuclear Data Improvement

Target accuracy on LWR neutronics parameters is 2 to 5 times lower than the a priori uncertainty (1σ)
due to nuclear data. This paper summarizes the experimental facilities and the integral measurements that are required
for code qualification. The rigorous use of integral information through trend analysis method is described. Trends
on JEF2 data from Keff measurements and P.I.Es are presented. These trends were accounted for in the new JEFF3
evaluations. The role of fundamental experiments, such as worth measurement of separated isotopes, is emphasized.

Validation of important fission product evaluations through CERES integral benchmarks

Optimization of energy resources suggests increased fuel residence in reactor cores and hence improved
fission product evaluations are required. For thermal reactors the fission product cross sections in the JEF2.2 and
JEFF3.1 libraries plus new evaluations from WPEC23 are assessed through modelling the CERES experiment in
the DIMPLE reactor. The analysis uses the lattice code WIMS10. Cross sections for 12 nuclides are assessed. The
thermal cross section and low energy resonance data for 147,152Sm and 155Gd are accurate to within 4%. Similar data

Range of Neutronic Parameters Calculation File

The purpose of this engineering calculation is to document the benchmark range, over a variety of parameters, for the validation of the criticality calculations supporting the Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR). This engineering calculation accomplishes this by characterizing the Laboratory Critical Experiments (LCE) and the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Commercial Reactor Criticals (CRC), and summarizing the significant parameters. This engineering calculation supports the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology program.

Initial Waste Package Probabilistic Criticality Analysis: Multi-Purpose Canister With Disposal Container (TBV)

This analysis is prepared by the Mined Geologic Disposal System (MGDS) Waste Package Development Department (WPDD) to provide an assessment of the present waste package design from a criticality risk standpoint. The specific objectives of this initial analysis are to:
1. Establish a process for determining the probability of waste package criticality as a function of time (in terms of a cumulative distribution function, probability distribution function, or expected number of criticalities in a specified time interval) for various waste package concepts;

Summary Report of Commercial Reactor Critical Analyses Performed for the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology

The "Summary Report of Commercial Reactor Critical Analyses Perfonned for the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology" contains a summary of the commercial reactor critical (CRC) analyses used to support the validation of the criticality models for spent commercial light water reactor (LWR) fuel.

Evaluation of Cross-Section Sensitivities in Computing Burnup Credit Fission Product Concentrations

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Interim Staff Guidance 8 (ISG-8) for burnup credit covers actinides only, a position based primarily on the lack of definitive critical experiments and adequate radiochemical assay data that can be used to quantify the uncertainty associated with fission product credit.

Assessment of Fission Product Cross-Section Data for Burnup Credit Applications

Past efforts by the Department of Energy (DOE), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and others have provided sufficient technical information to enable the NRC to issue regulatory guidance for implementation of pressurized-water reactor (PWR) burnup credit; however, consideration of only the reactivity change due to the major actinides is recommended in the guidance.

CRC Reactivity Calculations for McGuire Unit 1

The purpose of this calculation is to document the McGuire Unit 1 pressurized water reactor (PWR) reactivity calculations performed as part of the commercial reactor critical (CRC) evaluation program. CRC evaluation reactivity calculations are performed at a number of statepoints, representing reactor start-up critical conditions at either beginning of life (BOL), beginning of cycle (BOC), or mid-cycle when the reactor resumed operation after a shutdown.

Evaluation of Internal Criticality of the Plutonium Disposition MOX SNF Waste Form

The purpose of this calculation is to perform a parametric study to determine the effects of fission product leaching, assembly collapse, and iron oxide loss on the reactivity of a waste package containing mixed oxide spent nuclear fuel. Previous calculations (CRWMS M&O 1998a) have shown that the criticality control features of the waste package are adequate to prevent criticality of a flooded WP for all the enrichment/burnup pairs expected for the MOX SNF.

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