Resolution No: R-13-57: Support for a Nuclear Interim Storage Facility
Resolution No: R-13-57: Support for a Nuclear Interim Storage Facility
A letter of support from Eddy County, NM to Secretary Moniz in regards to an interim storage facility
A letter of support from Eddy County, NM to Secretary Moniz in regards to an interim storage facility
This presentation was given at the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (NWTRB) meeting June 24, 2015 in Golden, Colorado. It covered the standardized transportation, aging, and disposal (STAD) canister design work being performed by DOE and responded to a number of NWTRB questions.
These slides were presented by Waste Control Specialists LLC (WCS) to the NRC at the June 16, 2015 pre-application public meeting at the NRC offices in Rockville, Maryland.
Presentation made at International Conference on The Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors, An Integrated approach to the Back-End of the Fuel Cycle (IAEA-CN-226). The purpose of the conference was to highlight the importance of an integrated long-term approach to the management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors.
Presentation made at International Conference on The Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors, An Integrated approach to the Back-End of the Fuel Cycle (IAEA-CN-226). The purpose of the conference was to highlight the importance of an integrated long-term approach to the management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors.
Presentation made at International Conference on The Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors, An Integrated approach to the Back-End of the Fuel Cycle (IAEA-CN-226). The purpose of the conference was to highlight the importance of an integrated long-term approach to the management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors.
In RD&D-Programme 92, SKB presented a partially new strategy for its activities. The new strategy entailed a focusing and concentration on the implementation of deep disposal of a limited quantity (about 800 tonnes) of encapsulated spent nuclear fuel during the coming 20-year period. Following this initial deposition, the results of the work will be evaluated, and only then will a decision be taken as to how and when regular deposition of the main body of the fuel and other long-lived nuclear waste will take place.
This appendix responds to the issues raised by Federal, State, and local governments, affected Indian Tribes, private citizens, and other organizations on the draft environmental assessment (EA) that was prepared pursuant to Section 112 of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (the Act). In addition to presenting the issues raised in the comments and the responses, it describes where changes were made in the final EA.
These guidelines were developed in accordance with the requirements of Section 112(a) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 for use by the Secretary of Energy in evaluating the suitability of sites. The guidelines will be used for suitability evaluations and determinations made pursuant to Section 112(b). The guidelines set forth in this part are intended to complement the requirements set forth in the Act, 10 CFR part 60, and 40 CFR part 191. The DOE recognizes NRC jurisdiction for the resolution of differences between the guidelines and 10 CFR part 60.
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<p><span style="font-size: 12.000000pt; font-family: 'TimesNewRomanPSMT'">This report fulfills the M1 milestone M11UF041401, “Storage R&D Opportunities Report” under Work Package Number FTPN11UF0414. </span></p>
Presented on September 2010 to the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (Disposal Subcommittee)
<p>This presentation was given at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on May 20, 2014. It describes the Centralized Used Fuel Resource for Information Exchange (CURIE) and how to register, log-in, and upload documents among other capabilities. </p>
Slides - 2014 National Tranpsortation Stakeholders Forum, Bloomington, MN, May 13-15, 2104
Understanding the changing nuclear and mechanical characteristics of used nuclear fuel (UNF) over time and how these changing characteristics affect storage, transportation, and disposal options can require many tools and types of data. To streamline analysis capabilities for the waste management system, a comprehensive, integrated data and analysis tool has been assembled—UNF-Storage, Transportation & Disposal Analysis Resource and Data System (UNF-ST&DARDS).
With the QSS Model, calculations have been undertaken in NRVB (Nirex Repository Vault Backfill) where a system can encounter positive temperature feedback when the pore water boils. A QSS calculation of two or more stages is required when this occurs. The QSS Model has also been used to undertake calculations in mudstone, a potential GDF host rock that has not been studied previously.
This report examines the current policy, legal, and regulatory framework pertaining to used nuclear fuel and high level waste management in the United States. The goal is to identify potential changes that if made could add flexibility and possibly improve the chances of successfully implementing technical aspects of a nuclear waste policy. Experience suggests that the regulatory framework should be established prior to initiating future repository development.
Presentation by Ron Pope and Yung Liu of Argonne National Laboratory to the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) Workshop on Security of Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Slides - World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), Security of Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 10-12, 2014
Slides - National Tranpsortation Stakeholders Forum, Minneapolis, MN, May, 14, 2014
On March 21, 2012, the Township of The North Shore expressed interest in learning more about the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) site selection process to find an informed and willing community to host a deep geological repository for Canada’s used nuclear fuel (NWMO, 2010). This report summarizes the findings of an initial screening, conducted by Geofirma Engineering Ltd., to evaluate the potential suitability of the Township of The North Shore against five screening criteria using readily-available information.