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Siting Experience Documents Only
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Modeling Coupled THM Processes and Brine Migration in Salt at High Temperatures
Modeling Coupled THM Processes and Brine Migration in Salt at High Temperatures
Defense Waste Salt Repository Study
Defense Waste Salt Repository Study
Bench Scale Design and Testing of Instrumentation for Monitoring of Internal Cask Environment
Bench Scale Design and Testing of Instrumentation for Monitoring of Internal Cask Environment
End-of-Year Status Report
End-of-Year Status Report
A Safety Framework for Disposal of Heat-Generating Waste in Salt: Annotated Outline
A Safety Framework for Disposal of Heat-Generating Waste in Salt: Annotated Outline
In Situ Electrochemical Testing of Uranium Dioxide under Anoxic Conditions
In Situ Electrochemical Testing of Uranium Dioxide under Anoxic Conditions
Status Report- Modeling of Pit Initiation
Status Report- Modeling of Pit Initiation
Assessment Report Sandia National Laboratories Fuel Cycle Technologies Quality Assurance Evaluation of FY15 SNL FCT M2 Milestone Deliverables?
Assessment Report Sandia National Laboratories Fuel Cycle Technologies Quality Assurance Evaluation of FY15 SNL FCT M2 Milestone Deliverables?
Corrosion-Resistant Coatings for Mitigation and Repair of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Canisters
Corrosion-Resistant Coatings for Mitigation and Repair of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Canisters
Environmental Assessment Overview: Richton Dome Site, Mississippi
Environmental Assessment Overview: Richton Dome Site, Mississippi
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (the Act) established a process for the selection of sites for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste in geologic repositories. The first steps in this process were the identification of potentially acceptable sites and the development of general guidelines for siting repositories. In February 1983, the DOE identified nine sites in six States as potentially acceptable for the first repository. The Richton Dome site in Perry County, Mississippi, was identified as one of those sites.
Test Plan for Investigation of Material Interactions in Heated Salt?
Test Plan for Investigation of Material Interactions in Heated Salt?
Status of Diffusion-Reaction Modeling of the DR-A Field Experiment at Mont Terri, Switzerland
Status of Diffusion-Reaction Modeling of the DR-A Field Experiment at Mont Terri, Switzerland
Unconfined Compression Experiments on Bedded Salt at Elevated Temperature
Unconfined Compression Experiments on Bedded Salt at Elevated Temperature
Used Fuel Testing Transportation Model
Used Fuel Testing Transportation Model
Waste Form Degradation Model Status Report: ANL Mixed Potential Model, Version 1. Archive
Waste Form Degradation Model Status Report: ANL Mixed Potential Model, Version 1. Archive
Deep Borehole Field Test Research Activities at LBNL 2017
Deep Borehole Field Test Research Activities at LBNL 2017
Investigation of Coupled Processes in Argillite Rock: FY19 Progress
Investigation of Coupled Processes in Argillite Rock: FY19 Progress
Microfluidic Electrochemical Cells for Monitoring Uranium Oxide Corrosion
Microfluidic Electrochemical Cells for Monitoring Uranium Oxide Corrosion
LANL Contributions to Salt International Activities 2020
LANL Contributions to Salt International Activities 2020
Regional Geological Assessment of the Devonian-Mississippian Shale Sequence of the Appalachian, Illinois, and Michigan Basins relative to Potential Storage/Disposal of Radioactive Wastes
Regional Geological Assessment of the Devonian-Mississippian Shale Sequence of the Appalachian, Illinois, and Michigan Basins relative to Potential Storage/Disposal of Radioactive Wastes
The thick and regionally extensive sequence of shales and associated clastic sedimentary rocks of Late Devonian and Early Mississippian age has been considered among the “nonsalt geologies” for deep subsurface containment of high-level radioactive wastes.